We are TOP WORLD Kft.
Why should the world of instant products have an image of diluted taste and in the logic of sale: a profit from the cheapest possible start position.
Our goal was clear: to learn and satisfy the preparation technology and with only a few gastro tricks to get a taste which will provide you a nice feeling in your day. This was our lead logic when we formed the technological team for product development, which are mostly powder based. We are very persistent in our course for preparation with the rules: quick preparation immediately before consumption, with superb taste.
Highly set production standards and guaranteed quality have singled us out on the market as a company with its own 16 product families, some of which are our trademark:
– When we started with Premium Hot chocolate in 1999, we were among the first who were offering thick hot chocolate with intensive chocolate flavor.
– We were between the first ones who incorporated ginseng and coffee in one product – Ginseng energy coffee with the message “ wake me up, concentrate me”
– We produced DiChoko – the first hot chocolate for diabetics and dietetics with real chocolate taste.
The productions in Hungary and in Serbia are making the distribution to various markets easier. Two distributive networks within our organization, and more than 15 distributors in Europe and in the world, placement in a few great gastro systems McDonalds, Sara Lee, Ikea are results of hard work in time behind us and motive for future.
Our COOLCoffeeBar, which in a uniquely designed space in Nagytarcsa allows you to enjoy a caffeine heaven, by choosing out of our 8 types of espresso’s, each offering a special feeling, satisfying the needs of even the most demanding coffee lovers.
We launched the COOLCoffeeBar as a promotional concept, centered around two key ideas:
- How to set up a modern coffee shop
- How to experience and enjoy our products within it
Everything starts with coffee, and we celebrate three distinct coffee-drinking cultures:
- In a hurry, on the go… but savoring that rich flavor lingering for the next half hour…ESPRESSO COFFEE
- Taking time to relax, socialize, and enjoy a cup for at least half an hour…TRADITIONAL COFFEE
- Balancing work and conversation, whether at the office or with family…AMERICAN COFFEE
Through our full range of products, we’ll guide you through a unique journey as you explore everything we have to offer on our website.